Summer’s Horror Hits – 2016 – Horror Hits a High Note

Summer’s Horror Hits – why this year’s low budget and small cast horror hits may usher a new wave of original and well-made horror films.

The-Conjuring-2 pic 1

Summer’s Horror Hits – 2016 – Horror Hits a High Note with a great Summer for Horror films

This was a great summer for the horror film as lower budgeted and small-scale horror films trumped many high action and superhero films. In 2016 Horror films have been more profitable, just as popular and I might add, a bit more distinguishable than many of the other summer Blockbusters of the year. Hello Hollywood, it’s time to put away the CGI mega-FX and get back to basics. This year’s horror hits may usher a new wave of original and well-made horror films. First let’s take a look at the winning films.

the shallows The-Shallows-Poster

The Shallows – Summer officially started with the tense thriller, The Shallows (click for full review) which gave audiences a chilling survival tale on what should have been a beautiful day at the beach. Few characters, one main character, and one scary shark was all it needed to ramp up tension and bring the sea to a climatic boil. While it’s not straight up horror, it can be considered part of the sub-genre of nature-horror or animal horror which has a long reputation of making believable films praised by both horror and non-horror movie goers.

The-Conjuring-2-21 The-Conjuring-2- poster

The Conjuring 2 gave us another tale in the lives of the Warren’s, this time in Great Britain. There were several different aspects that provided scares in this something-for-everyone horror fest. The Wicked Nun chilled the screen with her deadpan eyes and aggression. My personal favorite, The Crooked Man, came to life in order to torment the child in the story. However, it started with a family that you cared for early on and that’s what makes the scares scary. Horror has to move beyond the young people partying in the woods format these days to make any lasting impression. The Conjuring films do just that.

lights out 2016 - pic 2 Lights-Out-Poster

Lights Out was just a short film on YouTube less than a year ago. Well, it turned into a big hit over the summer as a dark ghost torments a boy and his broken family. The film was fast-paced and fluid providing nominal scares for the viewer. I would consider the film to be part of a newer sub-genre I like to call action-horror where it’s more about the moment rather than a deeper story. Like a roller coaster, you get the thrills and chills in a fun way, but ultimately it leaves less of a lasting impression. What you do remember is you had excitement along the way. Summers are made for roller coasters and the summer box time audience went for the ride!

Dont-Breathe - pic 6 dont breathe poster

Don’t Breathe – While viewing this fantastic horror thriller you may notice yourself manifesting certain physical reactions; holding your breathe, squinting your eyes, yelling out in disgust, and squirming in your seat.  DB a genuine cat and mouse, rat in maze thriller, that induces physical reactions in the viewer. It appeals to a larger horror audience and movie goer because it’s not paranormal and it’s more tethered in reality. Seeing the audience react to it in physical ways added to the enjoyment of the film. At times, the theater full of people became so silent, we could hear popcorn popping in the lobby. The main characters are young thieves in the now failed city of Detroit but somehow Alverez manages to get us to like them and root for their survival. The blind man who they are stealing from and ultimately get trapped in the house with, has a stone cold killer instinct that pervades the atmosphere during every second of his screen time. I did have a problem with the very end of the film as it seemed almost tacked on to ensure a sequel. It also added an inconsistency to logic. If you’ve been reading my blog for any time you probably know I didn’t like Alverez’s ED 2013, partly because I’m not a fan of remakes (especially of my idolized horror films) but partly because of illogical inconsistencies in that film that just ruined it for me. Don’t Breathe redeemed Alverez in my eyes for the whole film until this end part. However, the rest of the film was so good it doesn’t deter my overall rating of the film.

10-cloverfield-lane- pic 4 10 Cloverfield Lane - poster

10 Cloverfield Lane – Earlier in the year, the small scale horror successes started with 10 Cloverfield Lane. The film had a modest budget (15 million) but to date has now grossed over 100 million with second line sales. The film had few characters (3) and really only one location, but presented a full story of suspense, thrills, and conflict. A young woman is T-boned in a car accident only to wake in a bunker bound and chained. Knowing she can’t fight her capturer she must use her wits and gain his trust and devise an escape. Along the way we get some interesting character study and an ending that flips our opinion of the bad guy…somewhat. Top-notch acting by Goodman and the small cast made this film a winner.

Two other important aspects to this Summers Horror Hits; they are not remakes, and all but one are not sequels. Perhaps we’ll get a bump in new original horror films because of this. Why is all of this important to horror?

Back in 1999 after the success of The Sixth Sense, it ushered a 5-year wave of very good, well written horror films (1999 – 2004) where there was a lot of fresh stories and ideas, new writers and more horror geared toward adult viewers and fans. Let’s hope Hollywood takes this summer’s box office successes as a direction and we could once again have an era of marked creativity in the horror film genre.

What will Summer 2016’s Horror Hits mean for the Horror Movie Genre?

In the period between 1999 and 2004 a wide range of varied horror films were released with new creative talents, ideas, directors and writers adding serious and more intelligent styled films aimed toward older and more discerning horror audiences. Directors and writers such as Zakk Snyder, James Wan, Alexandre Aja, Joe R Lansdale, Eli Roth, Gore Verbinski, Lucky McKee, James Wong, Rupert Wainwright, all got their piece of horror movie fame during this era in the horror genre.

Here are what I consider the best horror films in that time period:

Stir of Echoes (1999)

Stigmata (1999)

Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Final Destination (2000)

Ginger Snaps (2000)

American Psycho (2000)

Jeepers Creepers (2001)

Dagon (2001)

The Others (2001)

28 Days Later (2002)

Cabin Fever (2002)

Dog Soldiers (2002)

May (2002)

Bubba Ho Tep (2002)

The Ring  (2002)

Darkness Falls (2003)

Jeepers Creepers II (2003)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

Haute Tension (2003)

Wrong Turn  (2003)

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

The Grudge (2004)

Shawn of the Dead (2004)

What films did you like from that 5 year period? add them in the comments…






My Novelette, Skin Job reviewed at Written in Blood

I’m very excited to get a review from an honored and respected horror blogger in the community, one of the “Long time Bloggers Club,” JMount’s Written in Blood. John’s was one of the first blogs I ever followed as a new blogger and he was the very first person to like a post of mine. When I started blogging about horror flicks and books those many years ago, I thought about writing a book or story that was like the horror movies we reviewed. I wondered to myself if John would review it on Written in Blood and imagined what it would be like. Now it has happened and I’m glad I was able to share this moment with my Long Time bloggers and the freinds I have made in the blogging community. So please stop by Jmount’s Written in Blood and read what he has to say. While you’re there, look around and be sure to follow his blog for his exciting weekly features and horror news.

The Iron Giant (1999) – movie review

The Iron Giant - pic 15

The Iron Giant (1999)

Directed by Brad Bird

Eli Marienthal
Christopher McDonald
Vin Diesel
Jenifer Aniston
Harry Connick, Jr.


I’m not sure how this animated film faired coming out at the turn of the new century (1999). It was, after all, the animation of the preceding 100 years, not the new 3D CG molded perfection that was taking over modern animation. It was a cartoon. Despite its sharp lines, full rich colors, and expressive shadow-play it was yesterday’s technology. Although the giant itself was rendered with CGI it still has the 2d feel of standard cartoon animation, but it’s a beautiful film to watch.

If you haven’t watched this gem, I’m here to tell you that you are missing a wonderful tale, a visual treat and an entertaining film. It’s based on a 1968 story by British poet, Ted Hughes, called “IronThe Iron Giant 1999 Man” and tells the story of a young boy coming into his own while making new friends and learning he can make a difference in the world. It’s set in 1958 Maine, in a small town called, Rockwell. Hogarth, a boy being raised by a single hard-working mom, befriends a robot when a satellite crash lands in the woods rear of his home. While teaching the robot the ways of the world he also hides and defends him from government men on the hunt to destroy the mechanical beast. In the end will the true nature of the mechanical monster be unleashed upon the unsuspecting small town?

The retro sci-fi robot design is the epitome of what a giant robot should look like in the subconscious mind of man, a powerful technological being crafted from the 1950s sci-fi Hollywood image bank, and earlier pulp magazine era, representative of a time of wonder, awe and inspiration at science and technology itself…and its eyes glow in the dark. Some fantastic action sequences highlight the later part of the film as the Army closes in on the Iron Giant and a final battle threatens the existence of everyone in the town.

The Iron Giant is a sci-fi must-see that sparks on all cylinders creating family entertainment enjoyable for all age groups and genders. It takes the qualities of a Disney princess tale and gives it boy-ish charm, effectively portraying a young hero a young man won’t want to cringe away from, but embrace as one of their own. The film is now regarded as an animated sci-fi classic after years of a growing cult following.

Iron Giant Giphy

Fun little Sci-fi fan cameos:

Action Comics with Superman

The Sputnik crossing the sky in the night

3 tendrils emanate from The Iron Giant in an homage to War of the Worlds (1953)

USS Nautilus, the first atomic powered submarine

Forbidden Planet poster in Hogarth’s bedroom

Parlor of Horror – Creature Features Category

Funniest Movie descriptions in Guides – part II

This is part II of the funniest movie descriptions I’ve found on the internets…see part I here

It all started when I saw this from an old TV Guide

movie summary - Wizard of Oz

The Movie Summary –

The movie summary is a special targeted description to let a viewer choose a film according to his/her likes and tastes. Writers sometimes specialize in these descriptions to reveal the most appealing way to get viewers. Often the Studios themselves will have a marketing expert craft the descriptions.


And then, sometimes NOT…

Sometimes the digital description gets stuck and the wrong summary is on the wrong film. I’ve included some of those here too.

Here’s some of the funniest descriptions I’ve found on the internet. Feel free to copy and share these, repost them on your Twitter, etc…


movie summary - minions

Darker Tales from the Den – Dona Fox – Book review

Darker Tales from the Den - Dona Fox

Darker Tales from the Den – Dona Fox – Book review

JWK Fiction

Dona Fox has a certain style to her stories that can catch you by surprise. There comes a point when you realize what is going on, but it’s too late to brace yourself or to look away. These are dark, macabre stories about people in bad situations that only seem to get worse as the night goes on. The top tales in the collection leave a lasting sting or dull thud of heartache, either way a welcome experience for the horror reader. I picked a few of my favorite tales here to say a few words about.

Something bad crawls out of the dark attic in The Chill and Willey Snake dragging long forgotten family secrets in tow.

Bruised Cardamom begins with a poignant description on the death watch of a woman, Mrs. Macy, true in its words and gut wrenching to anyone that has watched a loved one die.  The description of the woman shredding tissues and curling them into little balls as she’s waiting in fear for death is unsettling. A line that struck me… “How many boxes of tissue does it take to die? How meaningless are paper tears?” The volunteer stays with her into the night learning a deep dark secret in this outstanding tale.

In One Historic Night, one friend invites another into his twisted Nazi fanatic world and drags him down to the depths of madness.

Shypoke’s Tears, which I had read before in the anthology, Ghosts Revenge, (JWK Fiction) is a short piece with a big punch. From the first paragraph a transgressiodona foxn is taking place in the characters and it’s a thrill to see the outcome.

In The Calais Curse, we visit the French Resistance of the German occupancy. This tale is a haunting centerpiece of the collection as a young woman begins a process too free her grandmother from her nightmares. The story started out a little loose and all over the place but stick with it and it settles into streamline tale where a tragic, moving ending is revealed.

Li Gran Toy Zombi is a creepy tale I first read in the Toys in the Attic anthology and was happy to revisit here. It takes place in New Orleans, 1977, and if you’re thinking Voodoo Curses you are correct and in for a devilish treat.

Crystal Bones on Gossamer Wings is a fitting finale for the collection as the tale is written in deep first-person as were the earlier stories in the book. Dona’ s greatest storytelling aspect is when she immerses the reader in that strong character voice. Those stories are distinctly superior to the more standard narrated tales. There are shades of Joe R. Lansdale in those stories where the reader shares each thought, vision, and reaction as it happens in the character’s head. When she combines that voice with her astute perception of life, death, and human suffering, she delivers haunting horror fiction.

Darker Tales From The Den – Dona Fox – Paperback and Kindle


crows by Favim


Attn: Horror fans – Horror Things from around the web and world…

tim burton and V Price

Attn: Horror fans – Horror Things from around the web and world…


Want to read some of the great classic stories and authors? check ou the selection from:

(I’d like to credit Tim Prasil for making the Poe giphy)


SUBCUTANEOUS MAGAZINE –  I think this is THE BEST NEW HORROR MAGAZINE to come out in a while. Great stories, art, articles, It’s fantastic. Check it out. You can read it online or download the .pdf


The Fly 1986 - Jeff Goldblum

THE FLY 1986 – This is a MUST READ Awesome article pertaining to The BrundleFly from MONSTER LEGACY – The Fly 1986

Even in the heat and aftermath of Shin Godzilla…


It looks like GODZILLA is finally going to get a royal respectable anime movie in 2017. We need a translator…

This has to be one of the best read LOVECRAFT story collections I’ve heard. Narrated by Ian Gordon. Listen to your favorite Lovecraft stories or find one you’ve not read:

lovecraft and phelps comparison

I’m sure you’ve seen the resemblance of Phelps and Lovecraft in these side by side pics. Wonder why Phelps is such a good swimmer? Perhaps fleeing underwater monsters in another life?

Monster Zero

WOW – Godzilla posters for great prices!!!
I purchased this one already!

Buckethead MUSIC video using animation FROM the famous Hermoinyous Bosch painting. Great Stuff!

and last but not least, here’s a few collectables I may pic up when they are released later this month…

18JMB08_Jupiter-II-Mini 17RMB03_Lost-In-Space-Robot-Mini



“Car Nex: Skin Job By Michael Thomas-Knight”

I’m elated to get a review from Robbins Realm Blog, for my novelette, SKIN JOB. Robbins Realms, is a blog I’ve been following, reading and conversing with for many years. I really respect his opinion on all the subjects he writes about, film, fiction and entertainment. I am really pleased that he understood the dilemma my main character, ALEX and felt the dire circumstance of his life, which drove him into doing the wrong thing(s) in my story. Thanks for the awesome review 🙂

RobbinsRealm Blog

I was recently contacted by Michael Thomas-Knight from Parlor of Horror, which is a blog I follow on He e-mailed me to inquire if I would be interested in writing a review of his novella, “Car Nex: Skin Job,” which was published on June 17, 2016 by Pleasant Storm Entertainment, Inc, in “The Car Nex Story Series Book 7.”  I was more than happy to oblige. Additionally, I would like to mention that Michael didn’t ask me to hold off my review if my opinion of his work wasn’t positive, as with several other blogger’s who have reviewed his novella, he was seeking, nothing more, than honest feedback.

CNSJ Pic 1

What if you were struggling financially? What are the lengths you would go to in order to rectify the situation? I am not talking about the common problems that most of us, during the course of our lives, have  experienced…

View original post 749 more words

Aurora Godzilla – MotM (Monsters of the Movies) Prototype – Model Kit

aurora3 godzilla prototype a godzMOTM

Aurora Godzilla – MotM (Monsters of the Movies) Prototype (1973-ish)

In the 1970’s Aurora was planning a second GODZILLA model kit under their Monsters of the Movies line. The kit was in design stages and complete prototypes were made.

There are a few images of the kit which look somewhat different from each other. The kit never went into production as Nabisco took over Aurora Model Kits and basically dismantled the company.

There was also some video/film of the making/sculpting of the project. Kudos to PHILSEP for finding/saving/posting this for fans of the old Aurora kits.

Well, needless to say, ever since getting a glimpse of this kit prototype, I’ve been obsessed with What if…?


So, I built my own rendition of the…


Godzilla MotM Prototype Rendition by Mike K - pic 2


I started with the standard Aurora/Polar Lights Godzilla kit. I modified the Godzilla body to resemble the Prototype kit. I made my own base from scratch emulating the MotM Prototype base.

Godzilla MotM Prototype Rendition by Mike K - pic 1

Polar Lights – Godzilla Form – modifications:

more robust body

reversal of forward moving leg and back moving leg

lengthened and extended arms – changed hands to hold tower pieces

Elongated and more animated tail

remolded eye brows/top of head/cheeks


Cult of PersonalityGodzilla wide jaw replacement

Cult of Personality Name Plate

Self-made name-plate holder – featuring trilobites and sea-plant

Godzilla - cult of personality nameplate - with custom holder by Mike K - pic 9


Godzilla MotM Prototype Base: full sculpt

Self-molded base copying shape from historical pics.


Tower Platform


Tower parts modified from N-scale Train accessories

Godzilla MotM Prototype Rendition by Mike K - pic 8


I assembled the city ruins from the original kit as a Universal Destroyed City background piece that can be used for any giant monster kit.

Godzilla custom universal background by Mike K - pic 1


I had a blast making this kit and have seen my sculpting skills get better with this project. I enjoyed putting my own ‘look’ on Godzilla’s head/face and making a more animated pose with his head twist, elongated tail and step. Now the kit is all primed and ready to paint, so be prepared for another post when the kit comes to life in full color.

Skin Job (The Car Nex Story Series #7) by Michael Thomas-Knight

I’d like to thank Kim, from Tranquil Dreams blog, part of the ‘LTBC’ (long time blogger’ s club) for reviewing my Novelette, SKIN JOB. It’s wonderful to hear the opinions of my fellow bloggers, those that I have been reading and conversing with through these years. I’m glad to share this small achievement of becoming a ‘published author’ with you all and to be there for your accomplishments as they may come. Thanks Kim 🙂

Tranquil Dreams

A huge thanks to Mike over at Parlor of Horror and the author of this novella for sending it over to me to read and review! If you don’t know Parlor of Horror, you should check it out!

Skin Job
By: Michael Thomas-Knight

Skin Job

Alex, a tattoo artist in Queens, NY, is being driven out of business by Johnny Needles, a rival tattoo artist connected to the local gangs and biker clubs. As he falls further into depression and drug abuse, Alex is drawn to a nameless book he saw at his neighbor’s apartment. The book haunts his dreams, until he can’t resist and he finally steals it. At his lowest point, in the basement of the tattoo parlor, Alex uses the book to call forth the Car Nex demon. He is completely unaware of what he is about to unleash upon the neighborhood.-Goodreads

Skin Job is book seven (according…

View original post 354 more words

Funniest Movie descriptions in Guides – Part I

Funniest Movie descriptions in Guides – part I

It all started when I saw this from an old TV Guide

movie summary - Wizard of Oz

It was so wrong and funny, I thought there must be more of these out there. Luckily people were taking pics and images of these obvious train-wreck movie descriptions to share.

The Movie Summary –

The movie summary is a special targeted description to let a viewer choose a film according to his/her likes and tastes. Writers sometimes specialize in these descriptions to reveal the most appealing way to get viewers. Often the Studios themselves will have a marketing expert craft the descriptions.


And then, sometimes NOT…

Here’s some of the funniest descriptions I’ve found on the internet. Feel free to copy and share these, repost them on your Twitter, etc…

A couple of the last ones were not from guides themselves but ARE funny explanations of the films.

movie summary - tinkerbell