Horror Fiction Book Review Blogathon! Join the fun!


November is Horror fiction month here at Parlor of Horror


And we’re going to celebrate with the
Horror Fiction Book Review Blogathon!

Want to join the blogathon? It’s simple. If you have reviewed a horror book recently or plan to review a book, post it at your blog and leave the link in the comments on this page. Then post the Horror Fiction Blogathon logo banner (above) on the page with the review. I will reblog your reviews (for those on wordpress) all month long and then post a master list near the end of the month (for those that I cannot reblog, (ei. for those on Blogger, Wix, or other blogger sites).

If you need to contact me with any questions about the blogathon, my email address is on the “contact” page



In the meanwhile, I will continue offering posts pertaining to readers and writers all month long. From book reviews to fiction links to interesting articles for writers and authors, it will be a month full of great horror fiction.

I’ll also do a post or two featuring book cover artists.

Look forward to hearing from y’all, Happy gruesome Tales!




Attention all Horror Writers, authors, and story tellers…


Attention all Horror Writers, authors, and story tellers…

Parlor of Horror is gearing up for the 2nd annual Halloween Horror Best ‘Free Read’ on the Internet. There will be more info coming soon so keep an eye out here at Parlor of Horror for more info. For a look at last year’s winners and Top 25 Tales click this link:



Stanley Kubrick’s, THE SHINING gets a new trailer for UK and Ireland Halloween 2016 Screenings:


Just want to let you all know I am participating in the “Keep Watching the Skies! Science Fiction Movies of the 1950s Blogathon!” from The Cinematic Frontier on Monday Sept. 26th through Wednesday Sept. 28th. The film I chose to review is 20 Million Miles to Earth by special effects titan, Ray Harryhausen and his partner Charles Schneer.

Click the logo to check out the nearly 20 films that will be reviewed during this blogothon!



Lastly, I got a nice boost for SKIN JOB on the charts from Amazon sales, thanks to the recent Blogger reviews and reviews on Goodreads and Amazon itself.


#197 in Horror – Short Stories – is pretty decent, I think…

Thanks to all that have reviewed SKIN JOB up until this point:
By Hook Or Book, Book Reviews

JMount’s Written in Blood

Robbinsrealm Blog

Tranquil Dreams

The Sporadic Chronicles of a Beginner Blogger


Attention all Horror Writers

halloween devils

Attention all Horror Writers, authors, and story tellers…

Do you have a horror story on the web that people can read for their Halloween enjoyment?

Looking for stories where readers can can click a link and go to read it right now! 

I’m inviting you to put your links in the comments so readers can enjoy your stories and capture the Halloween spirit. On a normal day this would probably be viewed as spam, but today I want you to promote your work with no hesitation.

*Only one story per author.

*Story has to be less than 2,000 words. Remember shorter is better on the web.

*No links to Amazon books or sites where they have to download, join, or put in emails.

To keep this simple and clean, only put – your name – story title – your link – in the comment post. If you have anything else to comment about, put it in a separate comment.

This has to be a totally FREE read.


Here’s My story entry: Aberration on Micro-Horror.com 

*******PLEASE READ*******

THERE WILL BE A CUT OFF FOR STORIES that I will promote in a second post before Halloween. It will most likely go up over the weekend of the 24th or Monday the 26th at the latest. So the cut off will be the 31st story or Thurs. Oct. 22nd. 
You’ll still be able to post your stories on this page but won’t be included in the secondary post.

When does a writer become an author?

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When does a writer become an author?

One of the advantages to having numerous books on the market with my short stories in them is that people start to call me an author. They start to think of me as an author and they start to treat me like an author, too. I guess I’m becoming an author 🙂

At Jim’s Pyre’s Dead Letter Office, Jim interviews numerous authors at different stages of their career. I’m humbled, being one of the authors that Jim has found to interview. I share the honor and company of outstanding wordsmiths such as, Tim Waggoner, Mercedes Yardley, Alex S Johnson, and Glenn Rolfe.

Thanks so much Jim!

If you would like to hear of my upcoming projects, share in my writing techniques and ideas, stop by and read the interview: The Interview

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